The Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research for Training and Professional Integration

Midocean University Supports Imam Shafi’i College of the University of the Comoros

Following its launch in December, Midocean University has taken another step forward by rehabilitating the facilities of Imam Shafi’i College and providing it with essential educational tools and equipment.

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, Imam Shafi’i College, part of the University of the Comoros, received a special donation of new equipment and furniture from Midocean University, which offers both online and in-person academic programs, as well as free courses to Comorian students through the “President Ghazali Scholarship for the Comorian People.”

The donation ceremony was attended by the Secretary General of the Ministry of National Education, Suleiman Souailihi, the Chairman of Midocean University’s Board, Advisor Nasser Al-Mohimeed, the Dean of Imam Shafi’i College, Dr. Abdourouf Abdou Omar, representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance, higher education officials, and faculty members.

Notably, the donation from Midocean University includes chairs, shelves, books, tables, and computers, as well as the repair and rehabilitation of some facilities damaged by the storm.